Frequently Asked Questions
How long have you been an art therapist?
I began working with clients as part of my school practicum in 1994, and have been seeing clients regularly since I started my private practice in 1996.
What is your role in the art therapy session? Do you analyze my art for me?
My first job is to provide a safe, private environment that is conducive to exploration. Within this setting I actively listen, observe, reflect and ask questions. Rather than analyze or interpret, I help clients connect their art to their history and current situations. Together we try to understand what the art is expressing. Usually the art becomes part of the story-telling that conveys the emotion or unrealized importance of events, relationships and memories.
How much art training and skill do I need? Will you teach me how to draw?
Stick people are fine: they have a lot to tell us! No art training or skill is needed. Free of judgement, simply playing with colour, line and gesture is a useful form of expression. Art therapy helps free creativity, but is not an art skills lesson.
Who does my art belong to? Can I take my art home?
The art belongs to you. Some clients do take their work home right after the session (unless the paint or clay is too wet to transport easily), but most leave their work in the studio for review.
How do I arrange to have a session?
Simply call or e-mail and let me know what you want!
Do you offer internships for students?
No, I am not set up to do that. Sessions are quite private, and the presence of an observor or student practitioner would interfere .
Do you offer supervision for students?
Yes. I frequently provide one to one or small group supervision for art therapy students .
How much does art therapy cost?
Sessions on Bowen Island are 1.25 hours, and usually cost $95 + hst. Several of my clients can't afford that, and pay on a sliding scale. Some clients qualify for programs that pay for therapy - but they may not be aware of these services. While most clients attend weekly, some reduce the cost of therapy by coming in in every other week. Please feel free to discuss any of that with me.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Please bring a personal cheque or cash. I also accept e-mail transfers. I ask for payment at the end of the session, but occassionaly clients do arrange to pay monthly. I do not accept credit cards.
What if I am going to be late or have to cancel a session?
I ask for 48 hours notice for cancellation, or you will be responsible for payment. If you ever need to cancel on shorter notice due to illness or emergency I am always flexible, of course. Please make every effort to call if you are going to be more than thirty minutes late, otherwise I will assume that one of us got the time wrong, or that the session is cancelled.
art therapy - part 1
art therapy - part 2
dreams & art therapy
the studio
graphic design services
Vancouver Art Therapy